About Me

My name is David Cass. This is the website I’ll be using as my digital artefact documenting the trials and tribulations of the MA in Digital Cultures at University College Cork through the 2020/2021 academic year.

I’m a parliamentary reporter in the Debates Office in the Houses of the Oireachtas. I love my job. We’ve got a good team of people and working at the heart of the country’s political system is always interesting and new.

In my spare time I like to run. I’m not any good at it but it’s an equal opportunities activity, which I see as both a pleasant way of keeping fit and a way to deal with my brain’s spinning beach ball moments.

This is my family, and no about me page is complete without them. Michelle is my wife, the science-based medical professional to my arts graduate, and it works. Elliott is ten and Vivienne is three and they’re polar opposites for many reasons. That also works.

I have always been drawn to things digital. The calculator watch when was six or seven and then the Amstrad 6128 a few years later when I spent hours typing in BASIC just to see what magic would come out. I think I was lucky enough to be around when the web entered the mainstream; I have always looked to see the positives that have come from that digital revolution, despite the many negative aspects that have manifested over the years.

Rather than focusing on what’s bad, I want to focus on the good that can come from digital, for myself, for work and for the people around me. I want to change people’s minds about what digital can do.

I want to change the conversation.
