... By Marking Meaning

The Kennedy text has been marked up countless times, with the first marks probably made by Kennedy himself. The speech made available to the press seems to have been written after the speech was given as it is almost (but not completely) verbatim, so this is itself a marked up version of an earlier text. Despite these documents being accessible for use in research, they are not truly open, because the documents mainly exist as JPEGs. It makes any further mark-up for the purposes of structuring the data difficult.

The version produced by the Houses of the Oireachtas Debates Office may initially have come from, or more likely checked against, a shorthand record but the physical volume creating the debate was digitised to create an initial html version at the turn of the 21st century, almost 40 years after the speech was made.

Debates from the Oireachtas are now produced in XML and made available as a form of open data on data.oireachtas.ie, along with other parliamentary data, such as Member information. 


Speech Text
Papers of John F. Kennedy. President's Office Files. Speech Files. Address to Irish Parliament, Dublin, 28 June 1963
Part of the Kennedy Speech as html