Carlow-Kilkenny: 5Cavan-Monaghan: 4Clare: 4Cork East: 4Cork North-Central: 5Cork North-West: 3Cork South-Central: 4Cork South-West: 3Donegal: 5Dublin Bay North: 5Dublin Bay South: 4Dublin Central: 3Dublin Fingal: 6Dublin Mid-West: 5Dublin North-West: 3Dublin Rathdown: 3Dublin South-Central: 4Dublin South-West: 5Dublin West: 4Dún Laoghaire: 4Galway East: 3Galway West: 5Kerry: 5Kildare North: 4Kildare South: 3Laois: 3Limerick: 3Limerick City: 4Longford-Westmeath: 4Louth: 5Mayo: 4Meath East: 3Meath West: 3Offaly: 3Roscommon-Galway: 3Sligo-Leitrim: 4Tipperary: 5Waterford: 4Wexford: 6Wicklow: 5Aengus Ó Snodaigh: 1Aindrias Moynihan: 1Alan Farrell: 1Alan Kelly: 1Andrew Doyle: 1Anne Rabbitte: 1Barry Cowen: 1Bernard Durkan: 1Billy Kelleher: 1Bobby Aylward: 1Brendan Griffin: 1Brendan Howlin: 1Brendan Ryan: 1Brendan Smith: 1Brian Stanley: 1Bríd Smith: 1Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin: 1Carol Nolan: 1Catherine Byrne: 1Catherine Connolly: 1Catherine Martin: 1Catherine Murphy: 1Charles Flanagan: 1Charlie McConalogue: 1Ciarán Cannon: 1Clare Daly: 1Colm Brophy: 1Damien English: 1Danny Healy-Rae: 1Dara Calleary: 1Dara Murphy: 1Darragh O'Brien: 1David Cullinane: 1David Stanton: 1Declan Breathnach: 1Denis Naughten: 1Denise Mitchell: 1Dessie Ellis: 1Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire: 1Eamon Ryan: 1Eamon Scanlon: 1Enda Kenny: 1Eoghan Murphy: 1Eoin Ó Broin: 1Eugene Murphy: 1Fergus O'Dowd: 1Finian McGrath: 1Fiona O'Loughlin: 1Frances Fitzgerald: 1Frank O'Rourke: 1Gerry Adams: 1Gino Kenny: 1Heather Humphreys: 1Helen McEntee: 1Hildegarde Naughton: 1Imelda Munster: 1Jack Chambers: 1Jackie Cahill: 1James Browne: 1James Lawless: 1Jan O'Sullivan: 1Jim Daly: 1Jim O'Callaghan: 1Joan Burton: 1Joan Collins: 1Joe Carey: 1Joe McHugh: 1Joe O'Brien: 1John Brady: 1John Brassil: 1John Curran: 1John Deasy: 1John Halligan: 1John Lahart: 1John McGuinness: 1John Paul Phelan: 1Jonathan O'Brien: 1Josepha Madigan: 1Kate O'Connell: 1Katherine Zappone: 1Kathleen Funchion: 1Kevin Boxer Moran: 1Kevin O'Keeffe: 1Leo Varadkar: 1Lisa Chambers: 1Louise O'Reilly: 1Malcolm Byrne: 1Marc MacSharry: 1Marcella Corcoran Kennedy: 1Margaret Murphy O'Mahony: 1Maria Bailey: 1Mark Ward: 1Martin Ferris: 1Martin Heydon: 1Martin Kenny: 1Mary Butler: 1Mary Lou McDonald: 1Mary Mitchell O'Connor: 1Mattie McGrath: 1Maureen O'Sullivan: 1Maurice Quinlivan: 1Michael Collins: 1Michael Creed: 1Michael D'Arcy: 1Michael Fitzmaurice: 1Michael Harty: 1Michael Healy-Rae: 1Michael Lowry: 1Michael McGrath: 1Michael Moynihan: 1Michael Noonan: 1Michael Ring: 1Micheál Martin: 1Mick Barry: 1Mick Wallace: 1Niall Collins: 1Niamh Smyth: 1Noel Grealish: 1Noel Rock: 1Paschal Donohoe: 1Pat Breen: 1Pat Buckley: 1Pat Casey: 1Pat Deering: 1Pat the Cope Gallagher: 1Patrick O'Donovan: 1Paul Kehoe: 1Paul Murphy: 1Peadar Tóibín: 1Pearse Doherty: 1Peter Burke: 1Peter Fitzpatrick: 1Pádraig O'Sullivan: 1Regina Doherty: 1Richard Boyd Barrett: 1Richard Bruton: 1Robert Troy: 1Ruth Coppinger: 1Róisín Shortall: 1Seamus Healy: 1Sean Fleming: 1Seán Barrett: 1Seán Canney: 1Seán Crowe: 1Seán Haughey: 1Seán Kyne: 1Seán Sherlock: 1Seán Ó Fearghaíl: 1Shane Cassells: 1Shane Ross: 1Simon Coveney: 1Simon Harris: 1Stephen Donnelly: 1Thomas Byrne: 1Thomas P. Broughan: 1Thomas Pringle: 1Timmy Dooley: 1Tom Neville: 1Tony McLoughlin: 1Willie O'Dea: 1Willie Penrose: 1Éamon Ó Cuív: 1Fianna Fáil: 47Fine Gael: 49Green Party: 3Independent: 20Independents 4 Change: 6Labour Party: 7Sinn Féin: 22Social Democrats: 2Solidarity - People Before Profit: 6Dublin South-Central → Aengus Ó Snodaigh: 1Cork North-West → Aindrias Moynihan: 1Dublin Fingal → Alan Farrell: 1Tipperary → Alan Kelly: 1Wicklow → Andrew Doyle: 1Galway East → Anne Rabbitte: 1Offaly → Barry Cowen: 1Kildare North → Bernard Durkan: 1Cork North-Central → Billy Kelleher: 1Carlow-Kilkenny → Bobby Aylward: 1Kerry → Brendan Griffin: 1Wexford → Brendan Howlin: 1Dublin Fingal → Brendan Ryan: 1Cavan-Monaghan → Brendan Smith: 1Laois → Brian Stanley: 1Dublin South-Central → Bríd Smith: 1Cavan-Monaghan → Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin: 1Offaly → Carol Nolan: 1Dublin South-Central → Catherine Byrne: 1Galway West → Catherine Connolly: 1Dublin Rathdown → Catherine Martin: 1Kildare North → Catherine Murphy: 1Laois → Charles Flanagan: 1Donegal → Charlie McConalogue: 1Galway East → Ciarán Cannon: 1Dublin Fingal → Clare Daly: 1Dublin South-West → Colm Brophy: 1Meath West → Damien English: 1Kerry → Danny Healy-Rae: 1Mayo → Dara Calleary: 1Cork North-Central → Dara Murphy: 1Dublin Fingal → Darragh O'Brien: 1Waterford → David Cullinane: 1Cork East → David Stanton: 1Louth → Declan Breathnach: 1Roscommon-Galway → Denis Naughten: 1Dublin Bay North → Denise Mitchell: 1Dublin North-West → Dessie Ellis: 1Cork South-Central → Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire: 1Galway West → Éamon Ó Cuív: 1Dublin Bay South → Eamon Ryan: 1Sligo-Leitrim → Eamon Scanlon: 1Mayo → Enda Kenny: 1Dublin Bay South → Eoghan Murphy: 1Dublin Mid-West → Eoin Ó Broin: 1Roscommon-Galway → Eugene Murphy: 1Louth → Fergus O'Dowd: 1Dublin Bay North → Finian McGrath: 1Kildare South → Fiona O'Loughlin: 1Dublin Mid-West → Frances Fitzgerald: 1Kildare North → Frank O'Rourke: 1Louth → Gerry Adams: 1Dublin Mid-West → Gino Kenny: 1Cavan-Monaghan → Heather Humphreys: 1Meath East → Helen McEntee: 1Galway West → Hildegarde Naughton: 1Louth → Imelda Munster: 1Dublin West → Jack Chambers: 1Tipperary → Jackie Cahill: 1Wexford → James Browne: 1Kildare North → James Lawless: 1Limerick City → Jan O'Sullivan: 1Cork South-West → Jim Daly: 1Dublin Bay South → Jim O'Callaghan: 1Dublin West → Joan Burton: 1Dublin South-Central → Joan Collins: 1Clare → Joe Carey: 1Donegal → Joe McHugh: 1Dublin Fingal → Joe O'Brien: 1Wicklow → John Brady: 1Kerry → John Brassil: 1Dublin Mid-West → John Curran: 1Waterford → John Deasy: 1Waterford → John Halligan: 1Dublin South-West → John Lahart: 1Carlow-Kilkenny → John McGuinness: 1Carlow-Kilkenny → John Paul Phelan: 1Cork North-Central → Jonathan O'Brien: 1Dublin Rathdown → Josepha Madigan: 1Dublin Bay South → Kate O'Connell: 1Dublin South-West → Katherine Zappone: 1Carlow-Kilkenny → Kathleen Funchion: 1Longford-Westmeath → Kevin Boxer Moran: 1Cork East → Kevin O'Keeffe: 1Dublin West → Leo Varadkar: 1Mayo → Lisa Chambers: 1Dublin Fingal → Louise O'Reilly: 1Wexford → Malcolm Byrne: 1Sligo-Leitrim → Marc MacSharry: 1Offaly → Marcella Corcoran Kennedy: 1Cork South-West → Margaret Murphy O'Mahony: 1Dún Laoghaire → Maria Bailey: 1Dublin Mid-West → Mark Ward: 1Kerry → Martin Ferris: 1Kildare South → Martin Heydon: 1Sligo-Leitrim → Martin Kenny: 1Waterford → Mary Butler: 1Dublin Central → Mary Lou McDonald: 1Dún Laoghaire → Mary Mitchell O'Connor: 1Tipperary → Mattie McGrath: 1Dublin Central → Maureen O'Sullivan: 1Limerick City → Maurice Quinlivan: 1Cork South-West → Michael Collins: 1Cork North-West → Michael Creed: 1Wexford → Michael D'Arcy: 1Roscommon-Galway → Michael Fitzmaurice: 1Clare → Michael Harty: 1Kerry → Michael Healy-Rae: 1Tipperary → Michael Lowry: 1Cork South-Central → Michael McGrath: 1Cork North-West → Michael Moynihan: 1Limerick City → Michael Noonan: 1Mayo → Michael Ring: 1Cork South-Central → Micheál Martin: 1Cork North-Central → Mick Barry: 1Wexford → Mick Wallace: 1Limerick → Niall Collins: 1Cavan-Monaghan → Niamh Smyth: 1Galway West → Noel Grealish: 1Dublin North-West → Noel Rock: 1Cork North-Central → Pádraig O'Sullivan: 1Dublin Central → Paschal Donohoe: 1Clare → Pat Breen: 1Cork East → Pat Buckley: 1Wicklow → Pat Casey: 1Carlow-Kilkenny → Pat Deering: 1Donegal → Pat the Cope Gallagher: 1Limerick → Patrick O'Donovan: 1Wexford → Paul Kehoe: 1Dublin South-West → Paul Murphy: 1Meath West → Peadar Tóibín: 1Donegal → Pearse Doherty: 1Longford-Westmeath → Peter Burke: 1Louth → Peter Fitzpatrick: 1Meath East → Regina Doherty: 1Dún Laoghaire → Richard Boyd Barrett: 1Dublin Bay North → Richard Bruton: 1Longford-Westmeath → Robert Troy: 1Dublin North-West → Róisín Shortall: 1Dublin West → Ruth Coppinger: 1Tipperary → Seamus Healy: 1Dún Laoghaire → Seán Barrett: 1Galway East → Seán Canney: 1Dublin South-West → Seán Crowe: 1Laois → Sean Fleming: 1Dublin Bay North → Seán Haughey: 1Galway West → Seán Kyne: 1Kildare South → Seán Ó Fearghaíl: 1Cork East → Seán Sherlock: 1Meath West → Shane Cassells: 1Dublin Rathdown → Shane Ross: 1Cork South-Central → Simon Coveney: 1Wicklow → Simon Harris: 1Wicklow → Stephen Donnelly: 1Meath East → Thomas Byrne: 1Dublin Bay North → Thomas P. Broughan: 1Donegal → Thomas Pringle: 1Clare → Timmy Dooley: 1Limerick → Tom Neville: 1Sligo-Leitrim → Tony McLoughlin: 1Limerick City → Willie O'Dea: 1Longford-Westmeath → Willie Penrose: 1Aengus Ó Snodaigh → Sinn Féin: 1Aindrias Moynihan → Fianna Fáil: 1Alan Farrell → Fine Gael: 1Alan Kelly → Labour Party: 1Andrew Doyle → Fine Gael: 1Anne Rabbitte → Fianna Fáil: 1Barry Cowen → Fianna Fáil: 1Bernard Durkan → Fine Gael: 1Billy Kelleher → Fianna Fáil: 1Bobby Aylward → Fianna Fáil: 1Brendan Griffin → Fine Gael: 1Brendan Howlin → Labour Party: 1Brendan Ryan → Labour Party: 1Brendan Smith → Fianna Fáil: 1Brian Stanley → Sinn Féin: 1Bríd Smith → Solidarity - People Before Profit: 1Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin → Sinn Féin: 1Carol Nolan → Independent: 1Catherine Byrne → Fine Gael: 1Catherine Connolly → Independents 4 Change: 1Catherine Martin → Green Party: 1Catherine Murphy → Social Democrats: 1Charles Flanagan → Fine Gael: 1Charlie McConalogue → Fianna Fáil: 1Ciarán Cannon → Fine Gael: 1Clare Daly → Independents 4 Change: 1Colm Brophy → Fine Gael: 1Damien English → Fine Gael: 1Danny Healy-Rae → Independent: 1Dara Calleary → Fianna Fáil: 1Dara Murphy → Fine Gael: 1Darragh O'Brien → Fianna Fáil: 1David Cullinane → Sinn Féin: 1David Stanton → Fine Gael: 1Declan Breathnach → Fianna Fáil: 1Denis Naughten → Independent: 1Denise Mitchell → Sinn Féin: 1Dessie Ellis → Sinn Féin: 1Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire → Sinn Féin: 1Éamon Ó Cuív → Fianna Fáil: 1Eamon Ryan → Green Party: 1Eamon Scanlon → Fianna Fáil: 1Enda Kenny → Fine Gael: 1Eoghan Murphy → Fine Gael: 1Eoin Ó Broin → Sinn Féin: 1Eugene Murphy → Fianna Fáil: 1Fergus O'Dowd → Fine Gael: 1Finian McGrath → Independent: 1Fiona O'Loughlin → Fianna Fáil: 1Frances Fitzgerald → Fine Gael: 1Frank O'Rourke → Fianna Fáil: 1Gerry Adams → Sinn Féin: 1Gino Kenny → Solidarity - People Before Profit: 1Heather Humphreys → Fine Gael: 1Helen McEntee → Fine Gael: 1Hildegarde Naughton → Fine Gael: 1Imelda Munster → Sinn Féin: 1Jack Chambers → Fianna Fáil: 1Jackie Cahill → Fianna Fáil: 1James Browne → Fianna Fáil: 1James Lawless → Fianna Fáil: 1Jan O'Sullivan → Labour Party: 1Jim Daly → Fine Gael: 1Jim O'Callaghan → Fianna Fáil: 1Joan Burton → Labour Party: 1Joan Collins → Independents 4 Change: 1Joe Carey → Fine Gael: 1Joe McHugh → Fine Gael: 1Joe O'Brien → Green Party: 1John Brady → Sinn Féin: 1John Brassil → Fianna Fáil: 1John Curran → Fianna Fáil: 1John Deasy → Fine Gael: 1John Halligan → Independent: 1John Lahart → Fianna Fáil: 1John McGuinness → Fianna Fáil: 1John Paul Phelan → Fine Gael: 1Jonathan O'Brien → Sinn Féin: 1Josepha Madigan → Fine Gael: 1Kate O'Connell → Fine Gael: 1Katherine Zappone → Independent: 1Kathleen Funchion → Sinn Féin: 1Kevin Boxer Moran → Independent: 1Kevin O'Keeffe → Fianna Fáil: 1Leo Varadkar → Fine Gael: 1Lisa Chambers → Fianna Fáil: 1Louise O'Reilly → Sinn Féin: 1Malcolm Byrne → Fianna Fáil: 1Marc MacSharry → Fianna Fáil: 1Marcella Corcoran Kennedy → Fine Gael: 1Margaret Murphy O'Mahony → Fianna Fáil: 1Maria Bailey → Fine Gael: 1Mark Ward → Sinn Féin: 1Martin Ferris → Sinn Féin: 1Martin Heydon → Fine Gael: 1Martin Kenny → Sinn Féin: 1Mary Butler → Fianna Fáil: 1Mary Lou McDonald → Sinn Féin: 1Mary Mitchell O'Connor → Fine Gael: 1Mattie McGrath → Independent: 1Maureen O'Sullivan → Independent: 1Maurice Quinlivan → Sinn Féin: 1Michael Collins → Independent: 1Michael Creed → Fine Gael: 1Michael D'Arcy → Fine Gael: 1Michael Fitzmaurice → Independent: 1Michael Harty → Independent: 1Michael Healy-Rae → Independent: 1Michael Lowry → Independent: 1Michael McGrath → Fianna Fáil: 1Michael Moynihan → Fianna Fáil: 1Michael Noonan → Fine Gael: 1Michael Ring → Fine Gael: 1Micheál Martin → Fianna Fáil: 1Mick Barry → Solidarity - People Before Profit: 1Mick Wallace → Independents 4 Change: 1Niall Collins → Fianna Fáil: 1Niamh Smyth → Fianna Fáil: 1Noel Grealish → Independent: 1Noel Rock → Fine Gael: 1Pádraig O'Sullivan → Fianna Fáil: 1Paschal Donohoe → Fine Gael: 1Pat Breen → Fine Gael: 1Pat Buckley → Sinn Féin: 1Pat Casey → Fianna Fáil: 1Pat Deering → Fine Gael: 1Pat the Cope Gallagher → Fianna Fáil: 1Patrick O'Donovan → Fine Gael: 1Paul Kehoe → Fine Gael: 1Paul Murphy → Solidarity - People Before Profit: 1Peadar Tóibín → Independent: 1Pearse Doherty → Sinn Féin: 1Peter Burke → Fine Gael: 1Peter Fitzpatrick → Independent: 1Regina Doherty → Fine Gael: 1Richard Boyd Barrett → Solidarity - People Before Profit: 1Richard Bruton → Fine Gael: 1Robert Troy → Fianna Fáil: 1Róisín Shortall → Social Democrats: 1Ruth Coppinger → Solidarity - People Before Profit: 1Seamus Healy → Independent: 1Seán Barrett → Fine Gael: 1Seán Canney → Independent: 1Seán Crowe → Sinn Féin: 1Sean Fleming → Fianna Fáil: 1Seán Haughey → Fianna Fáil: 1Seán Kyne → Fine Gael: 1Seán Ó Fearghaíl → Fianna Fáil: 1Seán Sherlock → Labour Party: 1Shane Cassells → Fianna Fáil: 1Shane Ross → Independent: 1Simon Coveney → Fine Gael: 1Simon Harris → Fine Gael: 1Stephen Donnelly → Fianna Fáil: 1Thomas Byrne → Fianna Fáil: 1Thomas P. Broughan → Independents 4 Change: 1Thomas Pringle → Independents 4 Change: 1Timmy Dooley → Fianna Fáil: 1Tom Neville → Fine Gael: 1Tony McLoughlin → Fine Gael: 1Willie O'Dea → Fianna Fáil: 1Willie Penrose → Labour Party: 1Carlow-KilkennyCavan-MonaghanClareCork EastCork North-CentralCork North-WestCork South-CentralCork South-WestDonegalDublin Bay NorthDublin Bay SouthDublin CentralDublin FingalDublin Mid-WestDublin North-WestDublin RathdownDublin South-CentralDublin South-WestDublin WestDún LaoghaireGalway EastGalway WestKerryKildare NorthKildare SouthLaoisLimerickLimerick CityLongford-WestmeathLouthMayoMeath EastMeath WestOffalyRoscommon-GalwaySligo-LeitrimTipperaryWaterfordWexfordWicklowAengus Ó SnodaighAindrias MoynihanAlan FarrellAlan KellyAndrew DoyleAnne RabbitteBarry CowenBernard DurkanBilly KelleherBobby AylwardBrendan GriffinBrendan HowlinBrendan RyanBrendan SmithBrian StanleyBríd SmithCaoimhghín Ó CaoláinCarol NolanCatherine ByrneCatherine ConnollyCatherine MartinCatherine MurphyCharles FlanaganCharlie McConalogueCiarán CannonClare DalyColm BrophyDamien EnglishDanny Healy-RaeDara CallearyDara MurphyDarragh O'BrienDavid CullinaneDavid StantonDeclan BreathnachDenis NaughtenDenise MitchellDessie EllisDonnchadh Ó LaoghaireEamon RyanEamon ScanlonEnda KennyEoghan MurphyEoin Ó BroinEugene MurphyFergus O'DowdFinian McGrathFiona O'LoughlinFrances FitzgeraldFrank O'RourkeGerry AdamsGino KennyHeather HumphreysHelen McEnteeHildegarde NaughtonImelda MunsterJack ChambersJackie CahillJames BrowneJames LawlessJan O'SullivanJim DalyJim O'CallaghanJoan BurtonJoan CollinsJoe CareyJoe McHughJoe O'BrienJohn BradyJohn BrassilJohn CurranJohn DeasyJohn HalliganJohn LahartJohn McGuinnessJohn Paul PhelanJonathan O'BrienJosepha MadiganKate O'ConnellKatherine ZapponeKathleen FunchionKevin Boxer MoranKevin O'KeeffeLeo VaradkarLisa ChambersLouise O'ReillyMalcolm ByrneMarc MacSharryMarcella Corcoran KennedyMargaret Murphy O'MahonyMaria BaileyMark WardMartin FerrisMartin HeydonMartin KennyMary ButlerMary Lou McDonaldMary Mitchell O'ConnorMattie McGrathMaureen O'SullivanMaurice QuinlivanMichael CollinsMichael CreedMichael D'ArcyMichael FitzmauriceMichael HartyMichael Healy-RaeMichael LowryMichael McGrathMichael MoynihanMichael NoonanMichael RingMicheál MartinMick BarryMick WallaceNiall CollinsNiamh SmythNoel GrealishNoel RockPaschal DonohoePat BreenPat BuckleyPat CaseyPat DeeringPat the Cope GallagherPatrick O'DonovanPaul KehoePaul MurphyPeadar TóibínPearse DohertyPeter BurkePeter FitzpatrickPádraig O'SullivanRegina DohertyRichard Boyd BarrettRichard BrutonRobert TroyRuth CoppingerRóisín ShortallSeamus HealySean FlemingSeán BarrettSeán CanneySeán CroweSeán HaugheySeán KyneSeán SherlockSeán Ó FearghaílShane CassellsShane RossSimon CoveneySimon HarrisStephen DonnellyThomas ByrneThomas P. BroughanThomas PringleTimmy DooleyTom NevilleTony McLoughlinWillie O'DeaWillie PenroseÉamon Ó CuívFianna FáilFine GaelGreen PartyIndependentIndependents 4 ChangeLabour PartySinn FéinSocial DemocratsSolidarity - People Before ProfitConstituencyfullNameparty showAs